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Waiting Room

Dr. HUNG, Se Fong



Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Mood disorders

Work Days:

Tuesday and Friday: 9:30am-7pm

Wednesday and Saturday: 9:30am-1pm


Dr. Hung has more than 40 years of clinical experience in assessment and treatment of psychiatric
disorders. He is particularly experienced and renowned in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry.

Dr. Hung joined the Mental Health Services in Hong Kong since 1979. He was trained in Hong Kong,
and he received further training in London from 1983-1984, and in Sydney and Melbourne in 1994.
He is a Specialist in Psychiatry, Honorary Consultant of Kwai Chung Hospital, Honorary Clinical
Professor of the Department of Psychiatry of Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Honorary Clinical
Professor of the Department of Psychiatry of Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong.
Dr. Hung was the Hospital Chief Executive and Consultant Psychiatrist of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatric Team of Kwai Chung Hospital and Yaumatei Child Psychiatric Centre before
his retirement
in March 2012. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists as well as a Fellow of the Hong
Kong College of Psychiatrists. He was awarded Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong College of
Psychiatrist in 2017. He was a member of the Task Group of Global Child Mental Health of the World
Psychiatric Association from 2002 to 2006. He was also the President of the Hong Kong College of
Psychiatrists from 2006 to 2010.

He has been awarded the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive’s Commendation
for Community Services in 2009 for services in Sichuen earthquake and the Bronze Bauhinia Star
Medal in 2012 in recognition of his achievement and contribution in the mental health services.
Dr. Hung provides psychiatric evaluation, medication assessment and management on conditions
including mood and anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, personality disorders, neurocognitive
disorders (e.g. dementia), attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autistic spectrum
disorders, as well as services on assessment and writing of medical-legal report.


Medical assessment and pharmacological intervention
Behavioral and Emotion Management for Children
Medical-legal reports


FRCPsych (UK)

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