Mr. CHIU, Chi Cheong Clifton
ACT and MBCT Therapist
Work Days:
Monday to Friday & Online (chiuclifton@gmail.com)
Mr. Chiu is a psychological counsellor for stuckness due to: stress, anger, anxiety, grief, self-acceptance barriers, poor chronic health, mild-depression, family and work relationship issues, adjustment hurdles, career planning, and life challenges.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
Solution-Focused Based Therapy (SFBT)
NLP Techniques (NLP)
Mr. Chiu developed the therapeutic program “Mindfulness » Body, Mind & Spirit” (M » BMS) for improving individual mental well-being and better physical health. The program brings together Eastern contemplative and Western psychological techniques to enable more wise choices; enjoy a richer day-to-day life; and develop a stronger sense of self-being, self-care, and self-mastery.
Mr. Chiu has a well-diversified career path covering professions in accounting, financial markets, banking, and business management. His background experience spans across directorships and supervision in listed companies, securities regulators, education institutions, and health organizations. He also has tenures, such as being a Board Member of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Hospital Authority, and HGC Chairman of the Kwai Chung Hospital.
Coping with Stress, Negative Thoughts and Feelings
Choice Points and Management Programs in Life
Marital and Family Relationships
Mindfulness Self-Compassion in the Here & Now
Registered Professional Counsellor (HKPCA)
Master in Counseling (Monash University)
B.Sc., M.B.A. (University of Southern California)
Diploma in Counseling (Hong Kong Institute of Christian Counselors)